9th March
Mothering Sunday Service
There will be a warm welcome for all school families at the Mothering Sunday service at Saint Margaret’s church this Sunday 11 March at 10.45am, with cake to follow.
No Art Club
Miss Allen is currently trekking in Peru for St John’s Hospice! So Art Club will not run on Monday 12th March, it will be back to normal the following week. Lego Club will run for the Infants on Monday 12th March.
Upper Junior Caving Days
The first group of year 5 & 6 children will be going caving on Monday 12th March, full information sheets were sent home last week, please pay particular attention to the day your child is going and the detailed requirements on the kit list.
Year 5 Rewind to Easter
The year 5 pupils have been invited to join other local schools at Bentham Methodist Chapel next Tuesday 13th March in the morning to take part in some Easter Activities. An information sheet giving further details is included in their bags today.
Parental Questionnaire
The Curriculum and Communications Committee of the Governing Body would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the short parental questionnaire included in the Friday Bag today. There is a copy for each child, please try and return them to school in the bag by Monday 19th March at the latest. We really value the opinions of our parents and carers. Thank you.
PTA Jumble Sale
The date for the Spring Jumble Sale is Saturday 24th March at 10am; more helpers are needed on the day, please talk to Michelle Norris or Cassie Harrison if you are available. Jumble can be dropped off at school from Wednesday 21st March, we will be taking Adult’s and Children’s Clothing, Paired Shoes, Hats, Belts, Handbags and Soft Toys. All items remaining after the sale will be sent to Bag2School.
Junior Swimming
The swimming teachers will be doing lifesaving with different groups of children over the next few weeks, so please can all swimmers bring a pair of light pyjamas or a t-shirt and shorts each week as well as their usual swimming kit.
Gardening Club
Two Infant Parents have very kindly offered to run Gardening Club for us this year. It will start on Tuesday 20th March and will be for junior pupils in the first instance. Please bring your wellies if you want to join in.
Lancaster Music Festival – Juniors
Thank you to all the parents who have replied regarding the Music Festival, please could the remaining families let us know by Monday if they need tickets. Tickets will be sent home in the bags next week. The reply slip is included at the end of the newsletter, tickets are £4 each.
Reminder – Bikeability Training
All of our year 5 and 6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on Monday 26th March and Tuesday 27th March. If you have not completed and returned the consent form yet, please do so to enable your child to take part.
- Sunday 11th March – Mothering Sunday Service 10:45 at St Margaret’s Church
- Monday 12th March – Year 5 & 6 Caving Day
- Tuesday 13th March – Year 5 Rewind to Easter
- Tuesday 13th March – Reception Height & Weight by School Nurse
- Monday 19th March – Year 5 & 6 Caving Day
- Tuesday 20th March – Gardening Club for Juniors
- Wednesday 21st March – Lancaster Music Festival 7pm
- Friday 23rd March – Life Education Bus
- Saturday 24th March – PTA Jumble Sale at 10am
- Monday 26th March – Year 5&6 Bikeability
- Tuesday 27th March – Year 5 & 6 Bikeability
- Wednesday 28th March – Easter Church Service 10am
- Thursday 29th March – Walk to School
- Thursday 29th March – School closes at 3:30pm for Easter Holidays
- Monday 16th April – School re-opens for Summer Term
Lancaster Music Festival – Juniors
Pupil(s) Name(s)…………………………………………………………… will be attending.
Pupil(s) Name(s)…………………………………………………………… will not be attending.
Please indicate how many tickets …………. you would ideally like for the above event.