19th January

Junior PE
The Morecambe Football sessions for juniors have been replaced by Dance Sessions for this term, run by Miss Megan Alder-Cox a teacher at QES. Upper juniors are doing it first and then we will swap to lower juniors. The sessions are on a Monday afternoon and pupils will use their PE kit which should already be in school all week.

Parent Governor Vacancies
There are currently two vacancies for parents to join the School Governing Body. The school governors have oversight of the school, and work as a team to support the head and staff. There is a meeting each term, at 6pm on a Tuesday in the second part of term. Each governor is also assigned to a committee, either Staffing and Finance, Curriculum and Communications or Fabric, Health and Safety, these committees also hold termly meetings. If you would like to know more please talk to any of the parents who are currently governors or come and talk to Mr Stafford-Roberts. If you would like to offer to be a school governor, please let us know by completing the slip at the end of the newsletter, by Monday 22nd January. If there are several applicants, a confidential ballot will be held.

After-School Clubs
Junior Golf Club started on Wednesday and will run until Easter. Mrs Rosie also started Sewing Club on Thursday. As she currently only has three children, we have decided to open it up to upper junior pupils as well, they will be learning to knit! If you child is interested in learning to knit please complete the form at the end of the newsletter.
The Infant After School Lego/Construction Club and the Junior After School Art Club will both start on Monday 22nd January. Miss Allen’s Art Club will be £2 per week, all proceeds going to St John’s Hospice.
Please would all parents come to the front of school to pick pupils up promptly at 4:30pm after clubs. Many thanks.

PTA News
If you ordered a Christmas Play DVD they are included in today’s Friday Bag. Please check them this weekend to ensure they play correctly. If you would still like to order a copy, please complete the slip at the end of the newsletter and return it with your payment on Monday so we can have extra copies printed.

We will be holding a PTA meeting this coming Thursday, 25th January, at 2:30pm in school. We will be reviewing last term’s fundraisers and planning events for this term. We look forward to seeing you there!

• Monday 22nd Jan – Infants After School Lego/Construction Club
• Monday 22nd Jan – Juniors After School Art Club
• Thursday 25th Jan – PTA Meeting 2:30pm in school
• Thursday 1st Feb – Music Festival Launch at Westgate for Juniors
• Tuesday 6th Feb – KS2 Football Tournament at Arkholme
• Friday 9th Feb – Break Up at 3:30pm for Half Term
• Monday 12th Feb – Back to School for 2nd Half of Spring Term

Parent Governor Vacancy

I would like to stand for one of the vacant positions of Parent Governor


Knitting Club for Years 5&6

My child ……………………………………………………………………… would like to take part in the Knitting Club starting on Thursday 25th January .
Signed ……………………………………………………………………….

Christmas Play DVDs (Cheques payable to Hornby St Margaret’s PTA)

I would like to buy ………. copies of the morning performance DVD.

I would like to buy ………. copies of the evening performance DVD.

Name…………………………………………. Children…………………………………………..