12th January
Happy New Year to you all. Thank you very much for all your lovely cards and gifts at Christmas, they were very much appreciated.
A new family has joined school, we welcome Isabel and Ted into the Infant Class.
We are sure everyone will help them settle in and hope they will be very happy here.
Mental Maths
In the front of all the children’s reading records you will find a new sheet with the title ‘Learn its’. This is linked to their mental maths work. These are to work on alongside their homework as mental questions. There is a full explanation on the sheet but if you have any further question please do ask. It would be great if you could ask your children these kind of questions regularly so they get used to recalling the facts. The sheet compliments what they are working on in class. These will be updated every half term if the teacher thinks they are ready to move on. Thank you for your support as always.
Parent Governor Vacancies
There are currently two vacancies for parents to join the School Governing Body. The school governors have oversight of the school, and work as a team to support the head and staff. There is a meeting each term, at 6pm on a Tuesday in the second part of term. Each governor is also assigned to a committee, either Staffing and Finance, Curriculum and Communications or Fabric, Health and Safety, these committees also hold termly meetings. If you would like to know more please talk to any of the parents who are currently governors or come and talk to Mr Stafford-Roberts. If you would like to offer to be a school governor, please let us know by completing the slip at the end of the newsletter, by Monday 22nd January. If there are several applicants, a confidential ballot will be held.
Bills, Bills, Bills
It is pleasing to see that parents are starting to use the online payment system of dinner money. All junior parents should have received a text message with login details. Dinners continue to cost £2.20, so if your child(ren) are having one every day this half term the total cost will be £55. By logging into the system you will be able to see your account, showing if you have credit from last term or in fact still owe for some meals taken last term. We are still happy to receive payment by either cash or cheque in the Friday bag if this suits you better. Please just pop a note with any payment, so we know what it relates to. If you have any difficulties with the online system do come and talk to Mrs Sharpe. We do ask that you don’t let the debt build up, text reminders will be sent to parents owing more than 3 weeks dinner money.
Early morning club continues to be available from 8.20am for £1 per session. Booking forms are available if you wish to pay for the half-term or you can bring the money each time.
Please also remember that the balance for the Junior Arnside Residential Trip needs to be paid in full by the end of March. Payment cards were sent home last term and we are happy to accept instalment at any time. Should the deadline cause anyone a problem, please do come and speak to us in confidence.
Junior After-School Golf Club.
Nick Barron, the Golf Professional from Bentham Golf Club, will be starting his popular after school club again on Wednesday 17th January. The club will be for juniors only and will run from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, children will need to be collected promptly from the front foyer please. School will be funding the club, so there will be no charge. Sign up slips are at the end of this newsletter.
Other After-School Clubs
Mrs Rosie has kindly agreed to run a Sewing Skills Club for pupils in years 3 & 4 on a Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30pm, it will start next week on 18th January. Miss Allen will run a Junior Art Club on Monday and Miss Race will run an Infant Lego/Construction Club also on a Monday, both starting on Monday 22nd January and running from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Slips for all these clubs are at the end of the newsletter. Please make sure you complete the correct one!
Friday Parent Praise Assembly
Please can we remind parents that Fridays Assembly starts at 3:10pm.
Christmas Play DVDs
Dave Collins very kindly recorded both performances of the play for us again. If you would like a copy of either performance please complete the slip at the end of this newsletter, being careful to request the correct performance and return it with payment of £5 per DVD, if paying by cheque please make it payable to Hornby St Margaret’s PTA.
• Wednesday 17th Jan – Junior After School Golf Club starts
• Thursday 18th Jan – Y3&4 After School Sewing Skills Club
• Monday 22nd Jan – Infants After School Lego/Construction Club
• Monday 22nd Jan – Juniors After School Art Club
• Thursday 1st Feb – Music Festival Launch at Westgate for Juniors
Parent Governor Vacancy
I would like to stand for one of the vacant positions of Parent Governor
Junior After-School Golf Club.
My child(ren) ……………………………………………………………………….. would like to take part in the Junior Golf Club starting on Wednesday 17th January.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………..
Sewing Skills for Years 3&4
My child ……………………………………………………………………… would like to take part in the sewing club starting on Thursday 18th January .
Signed …………………………………………………………
Junior Art Club
My child…………………………………………………………………………… would like to take part in the Art Club starting on Monday 22nd January.
Signed ………………………………………………………………….
Infant Lego/Construction Club
My child…………………………………………………………………………….. would like to take part in the Lego/Construction Club starting on Monday 22nd January.
Christmas Play DVDs (Cheques payable to Hornby St Margaret’s PTA)
I would like to buy …………….. copies of the morning performance DVD.
I would like to buy …………….. copies of the evening performance DVD.
Name ……………………………………….. Children……………………………………