15th December

The last newsletter this term!

All the staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your continued support.


Christmas Play Performances. 

We really hope you enjoyed the Christmas Performances, the staff and children work hard to put on a good show for you.  Each performance was recorded by Dave Collins, copies will be available in the New Year, look for details in the newsletter!  Thank you very much for all your kind donations at the end of each performance, we collected an amazing £400, which will be sent to St John’s Hospice in memory of Jo Thomas.


PTA News

Cheques made out to PTA for tea towels, Christmas cards etc will be banked after Christmas, apologies for any inconvenience.


Drum Lessons. 

Drum Lessons will be on Monday 18th next week, please help your children to remember their sticks and music.


Christmas Activity Day. 

Cookie will be preparing a party lunch on Tuesday 19th December, which all pupils can join.    If you child doesn’t usually have lunch on a Tuesday but would like to have this special lunch, please pop a note in the bag on Monday together with £2.20 to cover the cost.  The afternoon will then be devoted to Christmas Activities.  Children can come to school in their Christmas Jumper if they wish (don’t buy one specially, clothes in Christmas Colours would be fine).

Junior children need to bring in one sheet of wrapping paper for this activity day, thinner/cheaper paper will work best – many thanks Mrs Cottam.


Recorders at the Old Vicarage.

A group of the upper junior children will be going over the Old Vicarage on Wednesday 20th December to play to the residents. Information sheets are included in the Friday bags for the pupils involved.




Swimming Lessons. 

Swimming will restart on Wednesday 10th January for pupils in years 3, 4 & 5, please help them to remember their kit!


Junior After School Golf Club. 

Nick Barron, the Golf Professional from Bentham Golf Club, will be starting his popular after school club again on Wednesday 17th January.  The club will be for juniors only and will run from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, children will need to be collected promptly from the front foyer please.  School will be funding the club, so there will be no charge.  Sign up slips will be on the first newsletter of the New Year!


Outstanding Dinner Money Bills. 

There are still several outstanding dinner money accounts.  Bills are included in the Friday bag for families concerned.  The balances need paying early next week, so the money can be taken to the bank before the end of term.  You can now pay online if this suits you better, using the passwords that were sent out a few weeks ago.  It really helps if large balances are not allowed to build up.

