24th November
We would like to thank the parents who were able to help with clearing the school grounds on Thursday morning following the flood on Wednesday evening, we are very lucky to have such supportive parents.
Swimming Sessions.
Children in years 3, 4 & 5 will swim for the last time this term on Wednesday 29th November. Lessons will restart the first week back after Christmas, so children will need their swimming kit on Wednesday 10th January.
Friday Assembly.
Parent assembly next Friday 1st December will not take place, due to the PTA setting up ready for the Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December.
Infant Art Club.
Miss Allen can’t run Art Club on Wednesday 6th December, but will run a design technology based one on Wednesday 13th December, which will be the last this half term. The club will start again in January for juniors, date in first newsletter next year!
Christmas Performances – Tuesday 12th December.
The Christmas Play will take place in the school hall again this year. There will be two performances on Tuesday 12th December at 9:30am and the other at 6:30pm. Fire regulations mean we are limited to the number of people we can squeeze into the hall. The tickets will be free and we will as usual hold a charity collection at the end of each performance. Please complete the tear off slip at the end of the newsletter to request your tickets.
Costumes need to be in school by Friday 1st December ready for the dress rehearsal on the morning of Tuesday 5th December.
Dinner Bills.
Included in today’s Friday bag are invoices for dinners this half-term. School has now got a package linked to the texting system that allows parents to pay for dinners online. You will receive a text message giving you a logon to the system, so you can choose to pay that way if you wish. We will, however, be happy to continue receiving payment by either cash or cheque if this suits parents better.
PTA News
Christmas Fair – Saturday 2nd December 12noon to 2pm
- Thank you for all your kind donations of raffle prizes. You may have seen on Facebook some of the fantastic hampers we have put together and vouchers generously donated by local businesses that are available to win, with many more still to come. In your Friday bag today you will find an envelope containing 5 raffle tickets for each child you have in school. If you could sell these to family and friends (or buy them yourself of course!) we would be very grateful. Tickets cost £1 each. Please return money and completed ticket stubs in the envelope provided on Monday. If you would like more tickets, please add a note in your envelope, or let Mrs Sharpe or Michelle Norris know. Tickets will also be on sale at the fair itself. Please return any unsold tickets via the Friday bag so that they can be re-used.
- If you have any further donations for the raffle, tombola or lucky dip, they can be left in the box in the entrance hall or passed to a PTA committee member this week.
- We would also greatly appreciate donations of cakes and biscuits for the cake stall. Christmas themed would be great if possible, but not essential! Bought or homemade are equally appreciated! Cakes can be dropped off by Mrs Sharpe’s office on Friday 1st December. Please name your tins and plates so we can make sure they are returned to you.
- Don’t forget that if your child would like to enter the decorated jar competition, jars must be in the entrance hall by Friday 1st December so they can be judged before the fair. Please ensure they are named discretely so we know who the winner is!
- And last but not least! Thank you to everyone who has offered to help with setting up beforehand and running the fair on the day, but we could still do with a few more pairs of hands as it is a very well supported and busy event. We will be setting up in the school hall from 1:30pm on Friday 1st December and from 11am on the Saturday morning, ready to open at 12 noon. We are still a few people short for the stalls we have planned, so if you are able to help, there will be a sign-up sheet by Mrs Sharpe’s office from Monday. If you are the parent of a Year 6 child who may be interested in helping out with one of the games, please let Michelle Norris know.
- Many thanks for all your support with this event.
- Wednesday 27th Nov – Last Swimming Session this term
- Saturday 2nd Dec – School Christmas Fair 12noon – 2pm
- Tuesday 5th Dec – The Snow Dragon at Brewery Art Centre, Kendal
- Wednesday 6th Dec – No Infant Art Club
- Thursday 7th Dec – Year 5 Rewind to Christmas
- Thursday 7th Dec – Last Sewing Club Session
- Tuesday 12th Dec – Christmas Performances 9:30am and 6:30pm
- Wednesday 13th Dec – Carol Service at St Margaret’s Church at 6pm
- Tuesday 19th Dec – Christmas Activity Day
- Thursday 21st Dec – End of Term
- Monday 8th Jan – School reopens for Spring Term
- Wednesday 10th Jan – Swimming restarts for year 3, 4 & 5
Christmas Performances – Tuesday 12th December
We would like ………… tickets for the performance at 9:30am.
We would like ………… tickets for the performance at 6:30pm.