17th November

Payment Cards for Arnside TripParents of those children taking part in next year’s residential visit to Arnside will find a payment card in this week’s bag.  This is to help you keep track of payments and spread the cost of the trip.  The total cost is £100.00 per child, if you have not yet paid the deposit, please do send this in as soon as possible.  The rest can be paid in instalments between now and the end of March. Please make sure that you send all payments into school with the card provided. Any cheques should be made payable to Lancashire County Council.


Reception Children.  Included in all the reception children’s bags today is a letter from the school nurse.


Last Swimming Session.  Children in years 3, 4 & 5 will swim for the last time this term on Wednesday 29th November.


The Snow Dragon at Brewery Art Centre, Kendal.  We are taking all the children to an afternoon performance of this Christmassy show on Tuesday 5th December.  School will be covering the full cost of the tickets and PTA have again kindly agreed to fund the cost of the coach to Kendal, so there will be no charge to families for the trip.


PTA News

Presents and Prosecco Night

We are all set for our best ever Presents and Prosecco night, with great stalls and lovely raffle prizes! We look forward to seeing many of you there tonight for a relaxed evening of shopping and fizz – including non-alcoholic of course! Don’t forget, entry is available without a ticket, simply pay on the door.


Christmas Cards

The Christmas card proofs designed by the children have arrived and are included in the bag today, each card will contain a printed greeting of “Merry Christmas” inside that does not appear on the proof.  Please can all orders be return to school by next Friday 24th November at the latest, so they can be ordered and passed onto you as soon as possible.


Christmas Fair – Saturday 2nd December 12noon to 2pm


Christmas Play Costumes

We are introducing a new idea this year. If you have any unwanted costumes in good condition which your children have outgrown, if you wish you can donate them to the PTA. We will then offer them to parents to buy second-hand for a donation to the PTA in a similar way to donated outgrown uniform. Please can any donations of costumes be given to Megan Norris asap. Parents needing to obtain costumes for this year’s play, please check with Megan before paying the full shop price for one, and grab yourself a bargain!




