22nd September

Reception Walk into the Village

The reception children will be going on a short walk down to the village river bridge on Monday 25th September in the morning to look for the Troll!  An information sheet is included in their Friday bags today giving more details, please remember to send them with a coat.

Baby Photograph

Please could all reception children bring in a baby photograph of themselves, they are going to be looking at growth.

Year 3 & 4 Thinking Cards

Mrs Cook has included a Thinking Card in the bag today for all children in year 3 & 4, which gives examples of the kind of questions you can ask to check your child’s understanding of texts they have read.

Gardening Club

Next week Gardening Club will be for infants on Thursday 28th September; Mrs Fisher can only take 5 and they must have their wellies!


All infant children will visit the School Library on Thursday 28th September, please remember that they can if they wish bring in a book they are enjoying at home.

Parents’ Evening

The first informal parents’ evening this year will be on Monday 9th October from 3:45 to 7:15pm.  Appointment sheets will be available near each classroom from Monday 25th September for parents to sign up for a slot.  Reception parents may feel that an appointment is not necessary if they are able to attend the meeting on Monday 2nd October at 5pm.

Labelling Uniform and Clothing

Please could we remind everyone to label all their children’s clothing, including coats, shoes and PE kit – laundry marker pen is fine if you don’t have labels.  Please would everyone also check that they don’t have other children’s items, as a reception child is missing their coat!

Dinner Money Bills

The bills for this half-term’s lunches are included in the Friday bags today.  We are happy to receive payment either for the half-term or weekly if that helps.

Music Lessons

Mr L’Heureux is coming into school on a Wednesday to teach drumming, the sessions are currently proving very popular.  We have 8 pupils having lessons and have started a waiting list, which already has 2 names on it.  Mrs Smithson is teaching piano on Fridays, and again has a healthy number.  She will also be offering recorder lessons on a Thursday and Friday lunchtime, these should run next week.  Mrs Barker will be restarting ukulele lessons on a Tuesday morning in October.  There will also be a violin teacher coming in from QES on a Wednesday morning starting in October.  If any other pupils would like to join any of these groups or even learn a different instrument, please do come and talk to Mrs Sharpe and we will see if we can organise something.

Immunising Primary School Children against Flu

All children in reception, years 1,2,3,4 will have received a letter from the School Vaccination Team last week in their Friday bag, thank you to everyone who has already returned them.  Please could the remaining forms be returned in the bags on Monday.



On Monday the AGM was held, during which the main committee positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer were filled. However if you would like to become more involved in the PTA without a specific role or responsibility, you can become a generic Committee Member. This would just mean that you would be involved in planning/running events and decision-making as and when you can, without feeling tied to a specific responsibility. If you are interested or would like to know more, please let us know.  All meeting minutes will be available to view on the school website and on our Facebook page.  Our next meeting will be on Thursday 5th October at 2:30pm in school, all welcome.


Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help with the Macmillan coffee morning, however we are still short of a few volunteers to serve tea/coffee/cake and sell raffle tickets, so please sign up by Mrs Sharpe’s office if you are able to help, we would be very grateful. Donations of raffle prizes would be gratefully received and can be left with Mrs Sharpe any time next week while contributions of cakes and biscuits would be appreciated on Thursday/ Friday. Please don’t feel obliged to bake a masterpiece, it’s not a bake off! Shop bought cakes and biscuits are equally welcomed. We are planning to sell them to take-away as well as to eat with a cuppa so the more we have, the more money we can raise for this great cause! Bring along your family and friends on Friday, the more the merrier!


Included in the bag today is a flier from PTA regarding communication.  If you would prefer to receive copies of meeting minutes and anything else the PTA puts out in the closed Facebook group please do complete and return the enclosed form.  Even if we have emailed you previously we have not stored your email addresses going into this school year so we’ll need you to sign up again if you wish.  Many thanks.


