14th October
Hornby St Margaret’s C E Primary School
Headteacher: Mr. K Stafford-Roberts
School News
Infants had a fantastic time this week at Borwick Hall completing ‘Stick Man’ themed adventures. Different year groups completed different challenges which involved some canoeing and climbing hills. What fun!
Can you help?
As a school, we are committed to helping children develop their reading skills and frequent practise really helps with this. Are there any parents who would be willing to help in school with hearing children read? Please let us know… we would really appreciate your time and help with this.
Staff changes
Sadly, we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Cook at half term as she moves on to work for a local charity.
Parents will join with us in thanking Mrs Cook for her time at school and the fantastic work that she has done. She originally came to school on a short-term contract six years ago!
We are advertising her post and having a small move around of staff, including Mrs Shaw teaching the Lower Juniors, until we can appoint a replacement for the rest of this academic year.
If you would like to donate to a leaving present for Mrs Cook please send contributions to the office.
Infants |
Lower Juniors |
Upper Juniors |
Oliver Confidently joining in with all the outdoor activities at Borwick Hall. |
Peter For an excellent inforgraphic on Nessie. |
Jessica For excellent effort in everything she does (picked by Miss Yost this week) |
Scholastic Book Club
Did you know that if you order books from the Scholastic leaflet in last week’s Friday bag, we can earn commission for school in terms of books! 📚😁 AND! If you add them to our book club order via the link below they will be delivered to school free of charge! 🙌 Go to https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/hornby-st-margarets-ce-primar/digital-book-club to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. Please place your order online by October 31st, 2022. You can also order from the Scholastic website at any time to take advantage of the amazing savings and select our school to make a donation to. However there will be a delivery charge to have them sent directly to you. Any questions, please ask! 😊
Parent Praise Assembly – We have our next parent praise assembly on Thursday at 3pm. This will be for INFANT parents as Miss Farrington will be taking the assembly and the juniors will be late back from swimming lessons.
Cake Sale on Thursday at 3.30pm
Cake donations welcome!
The PTA will be selling cakes at 3.30pm to celebrate the end of term.
Cakes are 50p each, please bring plenty of change!
Mad Science After School Club
Mad Science visited us last week for a Mad Science Assembly! We are now offering a Mad Science After School club on a Tuesday from Tuesday 1st November.
The deadline for registrations is Monday 17th October.
You can register your children online at https://northengland.madscience.org on a first come, first served basis.
Payment by instalments is available. If you have any problems or queries with booking please call Mad Science directly on 01772 628844 and they’ll be happy to help!
Junior Residential – 21st June – 23rd June 2023
Advance warning – We plan to take all the Junior children on a residential visit to Malham Youth Hostel from Wednesday 21st June to Friday 23rd June, activities will include visiting White Scar caves and Skipton Castle. More details to follow after half term.
Secondary School applications – Deadline is Monday 31st October 2022
Lancashire County Councils online application system is now open for applications for 2023;
If you live in either North Yorkshire or Cumbria, you will need to apply for secondary or primary school places via their website.
Kitchen Vacancy on Fixed term position
We are looking for a Unit Catering supervisor to run the kitchen at Hornby Primary School until July 2023
The role will include responsibilities of stock control and ordering, food preparation, cooking. Health and Safety. The ideal candidate will have food production experience of mass catering for in excess of 40 children per day.
If you would like further information on the role and how to apply, please telephone Caroline Roberts on 07854 184215
Nasal Flu consent forms
The children will be having their nasal flu sprays at school on Thursday 20th October. Please ensure that you have completed the online consent form for both consent / no consent giving reasons.
Diary Dates
This week… |
Tuesday 18th October
Thursday 20th October
Friday 21st October
Upper Juniors Rugby Tournament at Wray
Nasal flu sprays Parent praise assembly 3pm – INFANT PARENTS 3.30pm – cake sale End of term – school closes 3.30pm
Inset Day
Advance Warning… |
Monday 31st October
Tuesday 1st November
Tuesday 8th November
Friday 25th November
Tuesday 6th December
Wednesday 14th December
Friday 16th December
School reopens 9am
Mad Science After School club starts 3.30pm
Infant Trip – Forest school at Leck
Parent praise assembly 3pm
Christmas performance
Robin Hood Christmas panto at the Dukes
End of term – school closes 3.30pm |