6th May
Class News.
In Infants this week, Reception have been recounting their bank holiday weekend and writing simple sentences about what they have done. Scarecrows and lollipops/ice creams were popular! They have been exploring floor shapes and shaped cutters to make dinosaur teeth and dinosaur footprints. They have been using observation skills to play a dinosaur matching game with a partner. They have also enjoyed listening to Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs, counting out dinosaurs and classifying them into families.
In Years One and Two, children have continued to write information for their dinosaur books, focusing on Gigantosaurus. They have been illustrating in addition to writing labels, captions and information text. In Mathematics, Year One have continued to explore making equal groups and are beginning to spot the link between repeated addition and multiplication. Year 2 have been solving multiplication word problems and using different strategies to solve division questions.
As part of topic work, we have been thinking about the shape of their own teeth as compared to dinosaurs and reading Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. We have explored what happened at Pentecost, acting it out in role play and with small world figures. Children in Years One and Two have explored the ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit’, linked to our school values. They have written thank you prayers, reflecting on a time when the Holy Spirit has helped them. As historians, we have continued to use enquiry skills to think about who Mary Anning was and what she is famous for.
Infant Star of the week Jasmine |
Super effort and resilience with mathematics word problems this week. |
Certificate Ronnie
Trying hard to join in with enthusiasm during whole class maths sessions. |
Lower – Year 3/4
Another short week this week. We have enjoyed planning our baking/cooking for next week. Lots of discussion around our favourite pizza toppings! We have been thinking about the dilemma of a young girl living in Malawi over the last few weeks. She walks 10 miles to school every day! She does love school and wants to keep going despite pressure from her mother to stay at home and help on the farm. This is the girl’s role in the village and things have always been this way. It is hard to imagine for all of us that people have this dilemma. In the end, we discovered that she would have to stop school and stay at home. We had lots of great discussions around Chiwa’s dilemma. The children were very inquisitive and offered some really interesting insights and thoughts to the discussion. It is great for the children to be aware of the lives of other children around the world and in this country and think about differences and diversity.
Upper – Year 5/6
Guided reading has been a big focus this week as we are nearing the end of our novels. The children are gaining confidence each week and it is lovely to hear them read to the group especially when they really get into character.
We have been learning about co-ordinates in maths and the children have even enjoyed a game of battleships to help their learning. In art, the children have been busy perfecting their skills during our water topic.
Next week is SAT’s week for our Year 6 children, they are welcome to bring a small good luck mascot into school with them. In between the tests they will be enjoying some delicious treats and lots of outside time, having fun playing rounders and cricket, so please make sure they have their trainers in school.
We are so proud of the children and how hard they have worked this year and we wish them every success.
Year 3 Star of the week: Daisy |
Always being keen and ready to learn, Daisy has worked hard this week on understanding equivalent fractions.
Year 4 Star of the week: Henry |
Is kind and thoughtful and always supports his peers. Henry also has a fantastic attitude towards reading and TT at home and his writing in class is really improving!
Year 5 Star of the week: Joshua |
Brilliant maths, learning about the four quadrants.
Year 6 Star of the week: Rose
Excellent attitude to work. |
Young Voices – Wednesday 25th May -Manchester AO Arena – 7pm
Please can children in the juniors practise the songs at home using the practise tracks and videos provided by Young Voices on MyClassmate. To access these parents should set up a MyClassmate account using the link below, then they will receive an access code. Many thanks to those who have already done this and encouraged their child to practise at home, it does make a big difference.
Parent tickets have arrived, please pop into the office and see Hannah to collect and pay for your tickets, tickets are £20 each. If you are unable to make the new date, please let us know by FRIDAY 13TH MAY as we will cancel your tickets or if you would like to order tickets, please get in touch.
Governors Vacancy – We are looking to recruit a parent Governor if you are interested in the role or would like to find out some more information please contact Andrea Towse or Mr Stafford – Roberts.
PTA Meeting
There will be a PTA meeting next Thursday, 12th May at 7:30 pm via Zoom to make plans for this term’s Summer fair. The Zoom link will be posted in our Facebook group or please let the school office know if you would like the link emailing to you. All welcome, we look forward to hearing your ideas!
This Half Term….
Week commencing 25th |
Monday 9th – Thurs 12th
Tuesday 10th May
Thursday 12th May
Friday 13th May
SAT’s week
Dance Club – After school 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Garden Gang – school garden at morning break – bring your wellies
Cluster cricket competition at Wilson’s Endowed School, Over Kellet
Advance Warning |
Monday 23rd May
Wednesday 25th May
Friday 27th May
Tuesday 7th June
Thursday 9th June
Wed 22nd – Fri 24th June
Monday 4th July
Infants creepy crawly bug show at Leck
Young Voices Competition – Manchester AO arena 7pm
End of term – school closes at 3.30pm Edinburgh Trip balances to be paid.
School reopens
Infant trip to Borwick Hall
Edinburgh Trip
Sports Day |