22nd April

Class News.


A super start to the new term. We have been making batik patches for Elmer the elephant which look fantastic, Reception carefully painted their own with watercolours, being careful not to put the same colour on adjacent squares. On Thursday, we learnt about St George and acted out his story with puppets we made, this was really good fun, we have some great actors! Our school value this half term is kindness and we have all been very good at showing this to one another which has been lovely to see.


Infant Star of the week  Syd

For finding mini beasts with great enthusiasm 

Certificate  Ruby


Excellent exploring in Science



Lower – Year 3/4 

It’s been a whirlwind of a week back!  The kids have come back eager to learn and keen to share what they had been up to over the holidays.  It was lovely to hear about everyone’s adventures.  

In Maths, we have been finding out more about tenths and decimals.  We will be starting our new English topic next week, Water.  Thinking about pollution and climate change and how we as individuals can make a difference.  Kindness is our value for this half term, the children have been noticing lots of people being kind around school and sharing them in class and assembly.  Celebrating and noticing kindness seems like a super way to spend our time, I’m sure you will agree.  Forces and Magnets is our topic for Science, we thought of lots of questions on Tuesday that we would like to find out and wrote down things we already knew.  We also recapped our learning from last term on States of Matter.  A super PE session was had by all the juniors, it was lovely to be outside in the warm weather.  Everyone worked really well in their teams and there was lots of encouragement for team mates going on, which was great to see and hear.    


Upper – Year 5/6  

It’s been a busy week! In English, we have been writing a mystery story involving a detective with a crime to solve and have paid particular attention to sentence openers adding speech, dialogue and ways to add suspense. In Maths, we have been estimating, calculating and comparing volume and in Art we have started to look at pieces with water and how the artist has created the image of water in their work. Our topic for PSHE this term is “One World” and this week we have been discussing what makes a good global citizen, the children came up with some lovely ideas.


Year 3 Star of the week: Jack

For writing a good story based on ‘Leon and the Place Between’ (before Easter)

Year 4 Star of the week: Megan

For rising to a challenge in Maths

Year 5 Star of the week: Joshua

Super story writing.

Year 6 Star of the week: Ava

Showing amazing maths skills and sharing her knowledge with her peers.

*NEW* After School Dance Club – Tuesdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm

This started on Tuesday and will run for another 5 weeks up to May half term. The session was run by Matt and was enjoyed by all.  These sessions are open to all in years 1 – 6 and the cost of this will be £10 payable via Schoolmoney. If interested, please speak to Hannah in the office.


Parent Questionnaire –Thank you to all who have completed the questionnaire and returned it back to school, if you have not already done so, you still have time, the results will be collated next week.


Plea for coloured material, old clothing, bedding for us to make some bunting for the Jubilee. Please can this be dropped into school by Monday 9th May, so we have time to make it!


Covid-19 – latest guidance

From 1st April – Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend. This information is also available on our website.


Governors Vacancy – We are looking to recruit a parent Governor if you are interested in the role or would like to find out some more information please contact Andrea Towse or Mr Stafford – Roberts.


Coming soon…..

Tower Wood Trip – Juniors– Monday 25th April

The juniors will be out all day at Tower Wood on Monday for a day full of outdoor experiences. A trip information sheet is included with the newsletter. The children will depart from school at 9am and return at approximately 5.30pm. There is no cost for this trip.


Young Voices Wednesday 25th May

We have now been given our rescheduled date, all children who were initially going will automatically attend the new date. Places (for adult tickets) have been allocated to all who initially requested them, please let us know if the new date doesn’t suit and we will cancel your tickets.


Edinburgh Trip – 22nd – 24th June

Just a reminder for those going on the Edinburgh Trip this summer term, there are still outstanding balances to pay. These can be paid in partial payments or as a whole by 27th May via Schoolmoney. We have now booked for the places that we will visit in Edinburgh.


Week commencing 25th


Monday 25th April


Tuesday 26th April



Thursday 21st April



Tower Wood trip – Juniors – depart from school 9am.


Cluster Cross Country competition @ Tatham Fells School

Dance Club – After school 3.30pm – 4.30pm  


Garden Gang – school garden at morning break – bring your wellies


Advance Warning


Friday 29th April


Monday 2nd May


Tuesday 3rd May


Friday 13th May


Wednesday 25th May


Friday 27th May


Wed 22nd – Fri 24th June



Whole School photos


Bank Holiday – school closed


School reopens


Cluster cricket competition at Wilson’s Endowed School, Over Kellet


Young Voices Competition – Manchester AO arena


End of term – school closes at 3.30pm


Edinburgh Trip