25th March



Class News.


In infants this week we have been writing exciting stories about enchanted clothes! We have learnt about sharing with others and taking-turns using the games Lotto and memory. In maths we have tackled symmetry and number bonds up to 20 and in PE we are really enjoying the finer points of football.


Infant Star of the week Syd – for being a super help all week in the classroom.

CertificateRonnie – delightful work and beautiful handwriting.                            



Lower – Year 3/4 

Fractions, Mayan pictures, Condensation, Evaporation, Magic and lots of outdoor time!

A lovely week of sunshine this week, has meant that we have been able to read a story outside in our gorgeous daffodil circle meeting area, we have performed our story on Leon and the Place Between outside and had a lovely circle time at the end of the day on Monday too!  When the weather is good, we all feel a bit lighter I think!  Our experiment in Science was great, we focused on liquids turning to gases and vice versa and how condensation and evaporation were involved.  Peter even went home and had a go at one of the demonstrations we had done in class!  Super to hear.  Thank you all for a great week.    


Upper – Year 5/6  

What a wonderful week in school. The sunshine has made us all very happy. We used the new outdoor learning area this week. The children told us all about the types of trees and we had a circle time session to discuss school council suggestions for our school.

In science our investigation is underway ‘Are these liquids reversible when exposed to different temperatures?’ (hand cream, hand gel, vegetable oil, liquid soap, milk and honey) The children have made their predictions and we will see the results next week.

We started our new topic in literacy (Detective crime) It was so much fun solving a murder mystery investigation about The Great British Spag off and who killed the chef Luigi Chilli Spagallini. In maths, we have been learning about kilometres, metres and other units of measure.


Year 3 Star of the week: Adam for fantastic fractions work

Year 4 Star of the week: Ruby for fantastic work on improper fractions


Year 5 Star of the week: Billy and Noah – excellent netball goal defence

Year 6 Star of the week: Roxy – excellent contribution to the netball team.


COVID Update

We have had a few positive cases recently in school so while you’re no longer legally required to self-isolate if you have COVID-19, you should try to stay at home and away from others to avoid passing on the virus. If you have COVID-19, you can infect other people for up to 10 days from when your symptoms start. Many people will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days.


If your child has Covid

Parents are encouraged to carry out a lateral flow test from 5 days after your child’s symptoms started/positive test result and another the next day (day 6) If both tests are negative and they do not have a high temperature they can come back to school.


If your test result is positive on day 5, you can carry on doing rapid lateral flow tests every day until you get 2 negative test results in a row, then return to school.


If you have Covid in your household

Parents are encouraged to carry out a daily lateral flow test before sending their child to school, if this is negative and they have no symptoms then they do not need to isolate and can come to school.

If a lateral flow test result is positive they should isolate and test again on day 5 and 6 (as above)


 *NEW* After School Dance Club – Tuesdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm

This will start on Tuesday 19th March and will run for 6 weeks up to May half term. These sessions are open to all in years 1 – 6 and the cost of this will be £10 payable via Schoolmoney. If interested, please put your name down with Hannah in the office.


Parent Questionnaire

Please complete the parent questionnaire (as found in the Friday bag) and return to school next week. One questionnaire per family is sufficient although parents are encouraged to complete an extra questionnaire for a second child if the answers would be different.


Village Magazine – We are still looking for someone to take over writing news for Contact (the monthly village magazine/newsletter). It usually gives a brief update of what is going on in school with any announcements, details about events and an example of work from the children and is a good way of connecting with the wider community. To find out more please see Hannah or Andrea T. 


The Lune Valley Art & Craft Exhibition at Hornby Institute 9th & 10th April

The children are creating a mini exhibition for display; the organisers are very excited to see what they produce and expect it to be every bit as interesting as the stall holders – if not better!!!

Hopefully you will be able to visit the exhibition and admire their efforts – they will be excited to show them to you.



This Week


Monday 28th March



Tuesday 29th March



Wednesday 30th March


Thursday 31st March




Friday 1st April

Return Library books, Friday bags and Parent Questionnaire

Film Club – After school 3.30pm – 4.30pm- this is the last session


Year 1 & 2 Forest school day at Leck.

Rugby Club – After school 3.30pm – 4.30pm – this is the last session.


Easter lunch and activities in the afternoon


Swimming lessons at Hornby Pool

Garden Gang – school garden at morning break – bring your wellies if you want to join in.


Cake sale at 3.30pm in playground

School closes – End of term


Advance Warning


Tuesday 19th April



Wednesday 25th May


Wed 22nd – Fri 24th June



School reopens

Dance Club Starts – 3.30pm – 4.30pm


Young Voices Competition – Manchester AO arena


Edinburgh Trip