2nd July
Photos. Everyone should have received two proofs of the whole school photo. Please order online at www.tempest-order.co.uk by Monday 5th July at the latest, so we can get your orders back to you before the end of term.
Reports are being sent home by email today.
Reminder: SchoolMoney – there are still a number of children with outstanding amounts, please let us know if you are having trouble accessing your SchoolMoney account and we can look into this. Thank you.
School Dinners will be £2.35 from September, this still represents very good value for a hot meal.
New Starters. The new reception children starting in September have now had two visits to school. They come again next week for their final visit, before starting on Friday 3rd September.
Sports Day. We will be running our sports afternoon on Thursday 8th July. Unfortunately, this will be for children only. Please make sure they have their PE kit. We will take lots of photos and put them on Facebook.
Infants have been starting to plan, write and adapt a traditional tale set in the Australian Bush; Little Red Sheila Hood’ this week. They also enjoyed a fantastic day at Borwick Hall exploring the outdoors. They took part in an adventure trail, bush craft and sailing down the canal.
The Infant Star Award Seb – Fantastic team work and problem solving at Borwick.
Infant Certificates Daisy – Great problem solving for shelter building at Borwick.
William – Great team work at Borwick, helping friends over the climbing wall.
Lower Juniors. This week has been lovely and sunny and many of the kids have been excited about the football! In English, the children each chose a country and have carried out some research. They learnt how to use the snipping tool to copy and paste information. The next task is to put that research into a fact file. We have looked at good examples of fact files and picked out the different features we will need to include in our writing.
First thing we often do some movement to start the day, this week we have been doing some yoga and the children have been perfecting their warrior pose!
This is our last week of fractions in Maths. We will move onto shape, position and direction next week. All the children have worked hard and persevered, we know fractions can be a tough one so Mrs Cook is proud of the children for the efforts.
Thank you to all the children who have been putting in the effort with their homework, TT Rockstars and home reading. It really does make a big difference to the children’s learning and attitude at school.
Year 3 star of the week Evie – For working hard in Maths and supporting others.
Year 4 star of the week Maisie – For always working hard in everything she does and for being kind and patient with others.
Upper Juniors have had a busy week. They made Victoria Sandwich Cakes and have enjoyed eating them! They went walking through the village ‘hunting’ for architectural features of houses. The good weather also allowed them to carry out some science and maths investigations outside. They also enjoyed the Rounders Event and came out winners! Well done to everyone who took part.
Year 5 star of the week Ava – for being a wonderful hostess during the rounders tournament.
Year 6 star of the week Gabi – for her effort in rounders practice this week.
Dates so far for this term: –
Thursday 8th July – Sports Afternoon
Monday 12th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 13th July – Whole School Walk to Wray with Picnic
Thursday 15th July – End of Term
Thursday 2nd Sept – School re-opens for Years 1-6
Friday 3rd Sept – Reception children come for the morning
Monday 6th Sept – Reception children start full time