23rd April
Infants and Lower Juniors really enjoyed their cricket sessions on Tuesday afternoon with Steve Pemberton from Lancashire County Cricket. All pupils will be bringing home a flyer today promoting junior cricket in the area. There are a lot of active clubs running sessions for primary school pupils, who would welcome both boys and girls.
Lower Juniors have been writing Viking Kennings this week and Ted’s has been chosen to be in Hornby Contact, keep an eye out for it.
We are pleased to let you know that Lancashire County Council have approved the Upper Junior Climbing Day, Junior Tower Wood Day and Infant Borwick Hall Day: we are looking forward to taking the children to enjoy some outdoor activities again.
Two PTA members have worked hard this week tidying up the garden area, we are very grateful for this help. We plan to produce a list of outside jobs that parents could volunteer to help with for a future newsletter.
Now we are into a new term we are starting to send out homework again. Reception have daily reading and a weekly sound book activity. Years 1 and 2 have daily reading, plus weekly spellings clipped into Reading Diaries. Read 5 times to collect your special reading stickers on a Friday! Juniors will also have a range of tasks. Year 3 and 4 will have daily reading, TT Rockstars, a comprehension to read and answer OR a poem to look at and discuss with an adult. Spellings are on the homework grid as well as emailed to the children’s personal school email account each week. Year 5 and 6 will follow a similar pattern with a maths or reading activity, daily reading, spellings and Rockstars. At some point over the term, KS2 teachers will be setting an assignment on Teams for the Juniors to try, there will be more information to follow on this. Please do support your child and encourage them to complete their homework, it is really important and does help to boost the work we are doing in school – particularly for reading in the absence of reading volunteer helpers. Any questions please do ask.
Dates for this term: –
Monday 3rd May – May Day Bank Holiday
Monday 10th May – Upper Junior Climbing Day
Thursday 13th May – Life Education Visit
Monday 24th May – Junior Tower Wood Day
Friday 28th May – Last Day this half term
Monday 31st May – Back to school for next half term
Thursday 1st July – Infant Borwick Hall Day.