11th September
As a general back to school reminder, please can we politely remind everyone to stick to individual drop-off and pick-up times to allow for appropriate social distancing within the school grounds. Children should not be playing on or with any of the equipment before or after school, we have a rota system in place for the equipment at playtimes.
Please can we also ask parents not to use the school car park to either drop off or pick up, we are trying to keep the gate closed to increase the children’s safety
Friday Newsletter and Bags. Each Friday we will produce a newsletter, which will be emailed out to all families. This will let you know what is happening in school and list important dates. A family bag will be sent home via your eldest child in school when we have anything extra, like forms or information that isn’t included in the newsletter. The bag may contain a variety of information for you to read and, in some cases act upon. Please empty the bag on Friday ready for returning it back to school on Monday morning. You can use the bag to safely return any reply slips, completed forms and money, if any has been requested. Any money that you do send into school should be in a clearly marked envelope with your child’s full name and what the money is for written on it. Please ensure that your child understands the importance of bringing the bag back and handing it in on a Monday, especially if you have placed money inside. We will not be emptying the Friday bags until Thursday, so if there is anything urgent please email bursar@hornby.lancs.sch.uk. Thank you.
Forms, Forms. Included in all Friday Bags today is a form titled Parental/Carer Consent and Medical Information Form for Educational Visits and Adventurous Activities. This form is for the whole academic year and will cover local and low risk visits made by the children, for example, museum visits, local school visits, local walks and days out. For anything else, such as residential or farm visits, we will seek further permission from you. Although you are only completing one form for all the low risk activities we will send home an information sheet each time to keep you informed of the activities.
Also included in the bag is a Pupil Data Collection Form for each child. This form will be used to update the information we currently hold on the school database for your child(ren). It is important we have the most up-to-date information, so please do let us know if anything changes during the year.
There is yet another form to complete! Please have a read of the Permission for Photographs form included in the bag today and complete as appropriate.
School Dinners. Cookie continues to offer all our children lovely lunches, which are still fully funded for all infant children and excellent value at £2.30 for juniors. We are always happy for children to try the meals and can be flexible about the days they have them, just come and talk to us.
Early Morning Club continues to be available from 8:20am at a cost of £2 per session for the first child of each family, with siblings attending the same session being charged £1.50 each. The club is available to all children in the school.
Class Information. Class newsletters and topic sheets are included in the Friday bag today, please do have a read.
Years 1 & 2. Please can children in years 1 & 2 bring in a cardboard shoebox for model making?
Year 5/6 Art Walk. Mrs Cottam plans to take the year 5 and 6 pupils down to the river for a sketching session on Tuesday 15th September. An information sheet is included in their Friday bag today giving further details.
Annual Flu Vaccination (nasal spray). All pupils will find a letter from the School Vaccination Team in their Friday bag. Please complete the form and return it to school by Monday 21st September. The Team will be in school on Wednesday 25th November to carry out the immunisations.
School Admissions for September 2020
Lancashire County Council’s online application system is now open for applications for 2021.
The website is www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools. The closing date for applications is:
- Secondary school applications – 31st October 2020
- Primary school applications – 15th January 2021