11th October
A large group of children joined the rather soggy Walk to School today and were rewarded with a drink and chocolate brioche.
Ralph had his last day at school with us today. We wish him well as he moves schools to be closer to grandparents and family.
This will be the last newsletter before half-term, as we break up at 3:30pm next Thursday 17th October.
Infant Forest School Visit. All the infant children are off for their first Forest School Adventure of this year on Monday 14th October! They will visit the wooded area at Leck School and engage in activities with the Infant children from Leck. A detailed information sheet is included in their Friday bag today; they will need a packed lunch on the day and waterproofs as the ground can be damp even if it’s not raining.
Parent Meetings – Tues 15th Oct. Appointments have been made for parents who requested a meeting with the teacher, we tried as far as possible to accommodate your timings. Your slip should be in the bag today with a time highlighted on it. Pupil’s books will be available to view at any point from 2:30pm onwards in the school hall, please come through the front door.
School Council Training. The student council representatives in the juniors have been invited to take part in a training session organised by Lune Valley School Cluster. The session is next Thursday 17th October in the morning and will be held at Arkholme Primary school. The eight pupils involved have an information sheet in their Friday bag today; they will all need to bring a packed lunch on the day. Transport will be by parent and staff cars.
Junior PE. Morecambe Football Club coaching will continue on Monday afternoons after half-term; but it will be for pupils in years 5 and 6. Lower junior pupils will have PE with Mrs Cottam.
Boxes of Hope. We are supporting the Boxes of Hope Charity again this year; a leaflet about this shoebox charity is included in the bag today. It is a local charity that visits Romania each year to distribute the gift filled boxes to children. Please read the leaflet for further details and ideas what to include. The boxes will be collected from school early in November, so please aim to have them here by Friday 1st November, remembering to include the £2 donation.
Tower Wood. We will be starting our Tower Wood Adventures again after half-term! Infants will be going on Tuesday 5th November and Juniors on Friday 8th November. Tower Wood is an activity centre on the shores of Windermere that offers a wide range of both land and water based activities, perfect for a day’s adventure! There is no charge for these trips, school covers the cost of both transport and instructors. Children should wear their own warm clothes, outdoor shoes or boots and will need a waterproof coat. Waterproof trousers would also be useful if they have them. Pupils will require a packed lunch on the day and will not be back in school until about 5:30pm. Information sheets will be sent home after half-term. If you have any concerns or queries about these trips please do speak to Mr Stafford-Roberts.
PTA Dates for your diary!
The PTA will be holding our annual Christmas fair on Friday 7th December. More details to follow in due course, but if you could save the date for us it would be much appreciated as it is our biggest fundraiser of the year. As in previous years, we will be holding a Mufti Day on Friday 15th November to collect donations of raffle prizes.
Dates for this term:-
- Monday 14th Oct – Infants Forest School
- Tuesday 15th Oct – Parents Meetings
- Thursday 17th Oct – School Council Training at Arkholme
- Friday 18th Oct – Teacher Training Day
- Monday 28th Oct –Back to school after half-term holiday
- Friday 1st Nov – Flu Nasal Sprays
- Friday 1st Nov – Mad Science Club 3:30-4:30pm
- Tuesday 5th Nov – Infant Tower Wood Day
- Tuesday 5th Nov – Junior Netball Tournament
- Wednesday 6th Nov – Church Service 10am
- Friday 8th Nov – Junior Tower Wood Day
- Friday 15th Nov – PTA Mufti Day
- Friday 7th Dec – PTA Christmas Fair