7th June
Two new boys have joined us this week, Aleksander in year 6 and his brother Antoni in year 2; we hope they will be very happy here.
Adam Hayter moved to the Hull area during half-term, so has now left us.
Cycling club was a success on Monday and the pupils seemed to enjoy themselves. Can we ask that they leave their bikes in the bike racks in the staff car-park each Monday please.
Kwik Cricket.
A group of 8 upper junior pupils will be taking part in a Kwik Cricket Competition at Westgate Cricket Club in Lancaster on Tuesday 11th June. We are hoping for a repeat of the success they had at the Over Kellet tournament a couple of weeks ago! The event starts after lunch, they will eat their packed lunch before they leave school. What time they get back to school depends on how well they do in the competition. We are suggesting they may be back at 5pm; but we will text you when they leave Lancaster. An extra snack would be a good idea for them to have either between games or at the end. The pupils taking part will find an information sheet in their Friday bag today.
Parents Help Morning – Sat 15th June.
Parent help would be greatly appreciated at school on Saturday 15th June, with some tidying and general maintenance jobs. We intend to start from 9:30am onwards and be finished by 12noon. Well behaved, helpful children are always welcome to come along too!
Juniors Big Sing- Monday 17th June
All junior pupils are going to Sedbergh Prep School, Casterton on Monday 17th June to join other local schools in the Big Sing. The event lasts all day, so all pupils will need a packed lunch. Parents are invited to come at the end of the day to listen to the performance at 2:15pm. An information sheet giving more details will be included in next Friday’s bag. Pupils will need to be in school for 8:45am, so we can set off to pick up Leck pupils.
Infant Forest School – Monday 17th June
Infant pupils will spend the day at Leck on Monday 17th June with their infant children, continuing their Forest School activities. They will all need a packed lunch. An information sheet giving more details will be included in next Friday’s bag. Pupils will need to be in school for 8:45am as they are travelling with the juniors to Leck.
Shakespeare Day – Tuesday 18th June.
Mrs Cottam has organised for a theatre group to come into school on Tuesday 18th June to deliver a Shakespeare Day for pupils in years 5 and 6. Three other local schools will be joining us for the day. Cooky will provide a picnic lunch for all our children on this day; if anyone who doesn’t normally have lunches would like to join this, please just pop a note in the Friday bag, the charge will be £2.30
Year 6 Leavers Do – Monday 24th June.
PTA have very kindly agreed to pay for the trip to Soul Bowl in Morecambe. Any payments already received are returned in the Friday bag today. Please could remaining parents complete the permission slip at the end of this newsletter.
Safer Active Travel Promotion.
Lancashire County Council’s Safe and Healthy Travel Team have provided all Year 3, 4 and 6 pupils within our school with activity books to encourage Safe and Active Travel in Lancashire, Please take the time to look at these with your children to help them to learn skills for life.
Gardening Club will not run for the next two Wednesdays, it will start again on Wednesday 26th June.
Please see attached sheet.