23rd February
Lucas Todd has joined us in year 3 this week.
We are sure everyone will help him settle in and we hope he will be very happy here.
We would like to thank PTA for the money they gave school to help buy new books for our reading scheme. Some parents should already have seen some of the new books, as they are beginning to be sent home with children.
Infants Forest School Visit
The infant children will be visiting Leck School on Monday 26th January to enjoy some time in the wooded area with the infant children from Leck. An information sheet is included in the bag today. They will need a packed lunch and drink and appropriate outdoor clothing suitable for the weather, probably lots of layers! If they have waterproof trousers please send them, as the ground is often damp even if it’s not actually raining!
Junior Dance Sessions
Lower juniors (years 3 & 4) will start their dance sessions next Monday, they will use their PE kit which should already be in school. The sessions are run by Miss Megan Alder-Cox, a teacher from QES.
Parents Meetings
Parents meetings this term are planned for Monday 5th March and Tuesday 6th March. Appointment sheets will be available as usual near each classroom for Monday morning for you to sign up. If you don’t come to school with your child, please ring the school office and we will try to find a convenient appointment for you.
World Book Day – Thursday 1st March
We are inviting the children and staff, to come to school dressed in animal themed costumes and/or to bring their favourite animal themed book for World Book Day this year. Student Council will be collecting £1 from each child to donate to Animal Care, a charity based in the North West that takes in unwanted and abandoned animals and looks after them until they can be found a loving new home.
World Book Day Tokens are enclosed in the Friday Bag today, together with the latest Scholastic Book Club Leaflet. Please note that you can only use one token per book ordered and the book must cost £2.99 or more. Orders need to be returned to school by Friday 2nd March at the latest; please attach any tokens to the order and reduce the amount owed. Please make cheques payable to Hornby Church of England Primary School. You can of course also use the tokens at any participating book shop.
All of our year 5 and 6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on Monday 26th March and Tuesday 27th March. Bikeability is a cycling proficiency course giving children the skills and confidence to cycle in today’s traffic conditions. In this week’s bag, parents of participating children will find a letter regarding the training, an ‘M Check’ to ensure your child’s bike is roadworthy, plus a consent form which needs to be completed and returned ahead of the training. This course is fully funded by Lancashire County Council and bears no cost to parents.
Reception Height, Weight and Vision
The School Nurse will visiting school to check the height, weight and vision of reception children. A letter is included in their Friday bag today, if you wish to opt out please contact the School Nurse direct, details at the top of the letter.
Safer Active Travel Promotion
Lancashire County Council’s Safe and Healthy Travel Team have provided all Year 3 and 4 pupils within our school with activity books to encourage Safe and Active Travel in Lancashire. These books are included in the bag today, please take time to look at these with your children to help them to learn skills for life.
Juniors Arnside Residential Visit
Please remember that the balance for the Arnside Residential trip at the beginning of July needs paying by the end of March. If this timescale causes a problem please do come and talk to Mrs Sharpe and we will organise a revised deadline.
Head Lice
There appears to be an outbreak of head lice in school at present. Please would all parents check their children and treat appropriately. Various treatment methods are outlined on the NHS Website www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice.
PTA Jumble Sale
The date for the Spring Jumble Sale has been set for Saturday 24th March at 10am. So if you’re having a spring clear out of clothes, please put them to one side for us and we’ll let you know when you can drop them off nearer the time. We are holding a meeting to plan and organise the jumble sale this Thursday (1st March) at 2:30pm in school. If you can’t make the meeting but would be able to help out in some way please let us know. Thanks.
- Monday 26th February – Infant Forest School at Leck
- Thursday 1st March – World Book Day
- Thursday 1st March – PTA Meeting at 2:30pm
- Monday 5th March – Parents Meetings 3:30-5:30pm
- Tuesday 6th March – Year 6 to QES for National Science and Engineering Week Talk
- Tuesday 6th March – Parents Meetings 5:00-7:00pm
- Monday 12th March – Year 5 & 6 Caving Day
- Tuesday 13th March – Year 5 Rewind to Easter
- Monday 19th March – Year 5 & 6 Caving Day
- Wednesday 21st March – Lancaster Music Festival 7pm
- Saturday 24th March – PTA Jumble Sale at 10am
- Monday 26th March – Year 5&6 Bikeability
- Tuesday 27th March – Year 5 & 6 Bikeability